(3) Three Ways to Learn from the Past and Create a Brighter Future

Although you cannot change the past, we all can learn from every experience and every encounter. This week we are continuing our look at the challenges of making a successful career transition. Here are (3) three simple steps to help you embrace a new perspective on things that do not go as planned and how the past can help you create a brighter future.


Step 1 - Make a list of your (5) five biggest “mistakes” - Create a comprehensive list of (5) five things that you wish that you would not have done.  Identify at least (1) one thing that you learned from each situation AND one thing that you would do differently next time.   


Step 2 – Identify the (5) five most difficult potential challenges that you will face going forward. Use the knowledge gained from the past, think strategically of the (5) five biggest situations that you will need to successfully navigate and how you can approach them in a new way.


Step # 3 – View life as a series of experiments and not as ‘success vs. failure.’ Remind yourself that you will try numerous things in your life, career and business that will NOT work out on the first try. Remember to try and try again. Eventually you will achieve your goals one experiment at a time.


Life is 90% about how you respond to what happens. Take time this week to embrace a new way of thinking when it comes to learning and growing from the past.