Working Smarter, Not Harder

Throughout my decades working in career development and advancement, I have been asked hundreds of questions regarding why some individuals feel that their hard work doesn’t translate into new job opportunities, promotions, or business ventures. The first thing I often ask is, “are you a hard worker or a smart worker?” Most people respond by asking me, “what do you mean smarter or harder?”

In my opinion, smart workers are always thinking about how to increase their personal and professional visibility among senior leaders and decision makers. For example, if you develop a PowerPoint presentation for your supervisor, put your name and date in the footer of the document. Your name is now permanently attached to the document. Although a minor detail, it is something that can show others the major role you played in the document’s creation.

Working hard is always staying in your “lane” and playing by someone else’s rules. And truth is, that does not help you advance and grow quickly. However, working smarter is strategically thinking about new ways to work with co-workers from other departments by volunteering to help plan the annual staff meeting and retreat. Working smart is about doing minor and massive things to help people remember your name and know/recognize your work.

Whether you work on a project for one week or one year, make sure that you keep a detailed record of everything that you do. Save every “congrats” or “great job” email or post it. Keep an electronic and paper file of your kudos and feedback on your work. When it comes time for your annual performance review, use this file of information to update your supervisor on your annual accomplishments and achievements. In short, do whatever you can to stand out and be rewarded for the contributions that you make.

When at First You Don’t’ Succeed – Try and Try it a New Way

There are countless stories of inventors, scientists and creators who did not succeed on their “first try.” Edison credits his 10,000 failures that didn’t work that ultimately led him to invent the light bulb. Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken did not achieve success until he was a senior citizen. The story goes that the Colonel asked 100 people to invest in his new chicken restaurant that we now know as KFC. Although the saying goes, “if at first you don’t succeed – try, try again” – it really should say try and try it again but in a new and different way.

This week as you embark on a path towards achieving your goal, you should also embrace the idea that things will not go as planned – and that’s ok. You will not be successful in every aspect of every project, venture or job. However, you can always successfully move beyond “failure” by approaching the same situation in a new way. Everything that we do has steps and/or a process. Find new ways to approach something when you are doing it a second or third time. Remember doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. So whenever you are trying something over, make sure you make at least one fundamental change to your process.

Trying to Try Your Best

There are times in life when you don’t know your next move or which direction to travel. When these times occur, and you feel that you don’t know what to do – pick one thing and try your best. Just like half of life is showing up – making the most out of life is about trying your best. For example, if you are going to spend time applying to jobs and networking on LinkedIn, fully immerse yourself in the process. Challenge yourself to reach out to people who you previously would think you are “out of your league.” Set engagement goals and reach out to 40 people every day. Update your bio or post a professional photo. Push yourself in new ways to give 100% to whatever you are doing.

Doing your best, especially at times of change and transition is sometimes the only and best thing to do because it creates positive motion in direction of your goals. You may not be able to control when and if an employer calls, however, you can ensure that you are 100% ready when and if they do.

This week take time to change your perspective when you are going through the motions and when you are doing your best. In time you will find that it’s better to do fewer things that you can give your all than lots of things that spread you too thin. Remember it’s quality, not quantity that makes the difference in everything that you do. So do your best!

Our 3-Ingredients to Create Personal and Professional Success

Some people attribute their success in life to being at the right place at the right time. Others may say other people as the main reason that they have achieved their many accomplishments. We at the Living on Purpose Project would like to share our (3) three-step recipe for long-term success in life, career, and business.

While many individuals attribute success to many different things, our (3) three ingredients for success include: (1) show up; (2) create and continually adjust your plan; and (3) factor in how what you do impacts others.

1. Show Up: There is a saying that half or even most of life is simply showing up. Over the years I have come to understand that showing up is giving your all to whatever you do. Yet I see people who are chronically late, never follow through, or literally and figuratively sleep through life and miss out on connections and opportunities. In short, showing up is living life like there is no dress rehearsal.

2. Create a Plan or Plan to Fail: One of the easiest and most strategic ways to achieve short wins or long-term success is having a plan. Writing down what steps to take and when to take them can help you focus on how you navigate now and moving forward. Sure, plans will change and at times you will need to pivot and adjust. However, you will be far more likely in any situation to successfully execute your plan to achieve success.

3. Be Considerate of Others in Everything That You Do: Navigating life is not just figuring out what to do in your life. It speaks to your ability to handle the bumps and the ups and downs in life and to always try to prevent your “things” to affect others. Simply ask yourself, “how does what I do affect someone else?” And, always make sure that you show your appreciation and respect for people who go out of their way to help and support you.

This week think of what you believe are the (3) three most important things that you can do to incorporate and embrace them into your life and career. In time, you will find that your work superpowers will take your career and or business to new heights by leaps and bounds. Here’s to finding more ways to Live. Love. Do. ®

How to Make Friends at Work and School?

Perhaps it may not be surprising that while working as a College professor, I have received numerous questions over the years. What is surprising, however, is one of the top three questions I get every year and each semester is, “How do I get to meet and get to know more people and how do I make new friends?” The advice I give is simple, do what worked in kindergarten – questions and compliments.

The 2-part strategy for friendship is to (1) ask questions - to help you find people who share similar interests and hobbies and understand who knows the best places to eat, drink, and hangout and 2) give compliments - let others know that you like the way that someone expresses themselves in a meeting or class and make others more receptive to connecting with you.

The final ingredients in the friendship recipe include patience, kindness, mutual respect, self-confidence, and time.

This week do just one thing that stretches you outside your comfort zone. Try to put yourself in a new social setting, join that group of friends that meets at the bar on the corner each Friday at 5:30 p.m. Do big and small things to engage others by asking questions and giving compliments. Soon you will find your confidence to attract and engage others is possible and will happen when you take the risk to put yourself out there in new and different ways.

Go to Where the People Are to Connect with Others in Your Industry

Many times, I am asked in college classes, seminars, or other venues, “how do I connect with more people in my industry without having any/lots of experience?” I share that the answer is simple, “go where the people are.”

Find meetups, attend after-work hangouts, and attend fun industry conferences. Your job is to do your research and know where the movers and shakers eat, drink, socialize and even get their hair cut. Many years ago, I worked for a Fortune 50 brand to identify and partner with celebrity barbers in seven cities. Soon I learned that in each city every barber had worked with or knew of the other barber(s). They promoted parties and ran multiple successful business ventures, in addition to barbershops.

As you seek to build deeper and more senior-level networks, do something to keep your dreams alive by surrounding yourself with people who share similar goals and career aspirations. Dreams can fly die or wither away unless you water them and work to keep them alive.

Finally, whether you are shy or have anxiety about meeting new people, remember to “use your words” and find genuine ways to compliment, support, and connect with others. In time, you will ALWAYS find the people, places, and opportunities – if you take the time to continually look.

This week embrace a new way of meeting and connecting with like-minded others.

Leveraging Life Skills into Your Career Advancement

This week we are sharing valuable skills, abilities, and talents that you may have never realized could be tremendous professional tools and career assets.  Having quick judgment and the ability to think quickly on your feet is perhaps more valuable than the things you learned in school.  Truth is, simply focusing on the minute details of projects and life can be an invaluable tool to help you in your professional life.  Find ways to demonstrate your knowledge and mastery of the things that you do well, and perhaps better than anyone else. 

Embrace a new life skill every day this week.  Find ways to walk with those who “walk the talk.”  Be that go-getter that every brand, business, or team helps find/know the right people to make things happen. Celebrate your talent for calling people out for excelling at something or simply being full of @$!$. Remind yourself that by honing these and other skills, you can create and find new opportunities to expand your network and professional brand.

Is Coffee the Cure to your Career Change?

We all need something to help inspire, motivate, and encourage us each and every day. Sometimes they are big things like gratitude for our family and friends. Other times our motivation can come from the smallest and most unlikely of sources.

You, like everyone, need something to help literally fuel yourself to tackle any life and professional challenges that we face. We want you to find happy and healthy routines that are great both in short term and also ideal to propel life forward.

So this week we are giving a shout out on social for coffee (or your favorite beverage that helps you start each day refreshed and alert).

We encourage you to a new green juice or roast/blend. Recognize and enjoy the little drinks and snacks that give you that much need pick me up to move forward when you lack the energy to tackle something new and or huge.

Savor the drinks and healthy food and beverages that make your day special.

Dreaming Big Dreams

This week we are heading to social to share professional pick-me-ups to help you to do one little thing that can reap huge rewards --dreaming. Dreaming is the first step towards reaching any kind of goal. As they say, if you can imagine it - you can achieve it. Here’s to encouraging you to not only imagine but to embrace new dreams in every area of your life.

Every day this week, we challenge you not only dream but to believe in your abilities and persistence to make your dreams come true. Embrace anything new such as a new positive word or mantra. Sign-up for that marathon or master class. Simply decide that today you are going to envision a life, business, career that is bigger and brighter than the one you are living today.

Realizing Your Gift

What can you write, say, or create well? For me, it's writing a darn good letter. However, what is that something for you?  Some people are masterful communicators. Others are always able to see the positive in any situation. Whatever you do better than anyone else can be a huge asset if you know how to leverage it. 

What role do you play on the professional/work "team?" Are you the ball boy/girl who helps out the team by doing a simple but important task? Or are you the coach who creates the starting lineup? Truth is, every member on the team is important and necessary to the overall group effort. Know your "lane" and where you excel. 

Take a few minutes this week to consider the roles you excel at doing and what you contribute to those around you. One great question to ask yourself is if you are a creator, inspirer, healer, or protector?  Think about how these core skills and interests allow you to be successful because they lead you to your professional and personal purpose. 

Creating the Opportunities and Chances When You Can’t Find Them

Sometimes things come to us.  Most times, however, many of us have to actually create what we want in life, business, and career.  Start the process of change by doing something new in a different way.  In short, take a risk.

When many people think of risks, they think of huge shifts and changes in one’s life.  Truth is, many risks don’t have to be big changes at all. Asking to speak to a supervisor when you have not received the service you have paid for; traveling a different route home to check out a new neighborhood; or changing the way you pitch potential clients. Any process can change.

This week think of doing something different to help improve your finances and new business opportunities.  This big shift and small change will stretch you outside your comfort zone in a good way.

It’s through embracing new experiences that you will grow personally and professionally.  Live. Love. Do! ® Life is short, so seize the day!

And, remind yourself that nothing new happens by doing the same thing in the same way.  Good luck in creating the change you seek.

How do you Under Promise and Over Deliver?

One of the best ways to ensure success in your career or as an entrepreneur is to underpromise and overdeliver.  The worst thing that you can do is miss a deadline or fail to provide a digital marketing plan as promised.  The best things that you can do to be successful are to remind yourself that “no” is part of any good negotiation.  Even when you hear “no,” tell yourself that you can still work to change someone’s mind by sharing your accomplishments and turn that “no” into a maybe and even a “yes.”

You are a superstar – just put in the work and time for others to see it. Even though you may not see instant progress – change is happening slowly and everything you plan for the future will grow in its own time.

Using The Holiday Weekend to Reflect and Plan Your Next Move

Your biggest question this weekend is: to barbeque or not to barbeque? That is the question! This week we’re heading to social to share some inspirational quotes and images about enjoying the journey called life and stop viewing life as trying to arrive at a single destination.  Remember that life is a journey – enjoy the ride!

As you take the time to explore your talents and strengths, start with what makes you different.  Everyone has something that makes them unique. What is that thing for YOU?

Finally, surround yourself with people who support and encourage you.  In time you will soon find that your environment is helping you moving to that next stage in your career advancement and readiness.

Quick and Easy Ways to Save Some Money

As the July 4th holiday approaches and you’re spending more money taking that pre-COVID trip or just spending time with your friends and family.  We have sure-fire ways to help you save money by taking advantage of deals that most people don’t know about.

Did you know that when you travel to any hotel in the U.S., you can ask for a State, Federal or Government rate even if you are not traveling on business? Ask EVERY hotel and then show them your state, work, or even AAA ID to get instant savings. 

Here are a few of our easiest and quickest way to cash out by selling what you don’t need.

1. Trade in new and slightly used items at consignment stores like Buffalo Exchange for a store credit or cold hard cash.  Before you let your items go, “thank” your items and wish them love with someone who can use and appreciate them.

2.    There was an old American Express ad that said “membership” has its privilege. Did you know that you may have privilege and access to discounts without it? Ask your employer, college, or even your nonprofit organizations and civic groups if you qualify for a discount as a member or alumni.

3.    You can add more money to your pocket not only during tax time. Talk to your tax advisor/accountant and/or your employer about changing your withholdings to put more cash in your hands during the year and less of a refund in April.

4.    One thing credit card Companies rarely if ever offer you is an opportunity to LOWER your current interest rate.  However, simply calling the company and sharing that you are looking to consolidate your debt and would they be able to lower your current interest rate by several points.  They won’t drop your 13.95% to 7% (without a fee) however they may agree to give a smaller interest rate simply by asking for 12.50%.

Take (2) two hours this week or weekend to call your mobile, credit card, and other debtors to inquire about ways to create savings.


Standing Out In an Interview and Outshining Your Competitors

Whether you are embarking on the interview and job search process or you are years into the difficult and daunting process, here are (7) seven ways to outshine the competition.            

1.    Create a professional website: You can be one step ahead of the competition by having your own website that displays your career highlights/accomplishments and work experience in a savvy and sophisticated way. Remember that everyone has a LinkedIn profile and Facebook page. But you will offer more. Create a free web-building website to present yourself in a polished and professional manner.   

2.    Have a graphical resume: Infographics are a great way to share information and data in a visual way.  Having a graphical resume is an ideal way to share your professional experience in an engaging and unique way. Check out the following samples for ideas to get you started.

3.    Acquire and cultivate your digital marketing/social media skills: Social media is on fire and getting hotter.  Whether you’re creating and maintaining your own IG or Facebook pages, find ways to develop and fine-tune your social media and web experience.  Having digital marketing experience can be a huge asset. Take a web design/development course or enroll in a digital marketing certificate program. 

If you are short on money and/or time, teach yourself by using customized images that demonstrate your eye for visual design using content creation platforms like Canva and follow sites like to step up your social knowledge and experience.

4.    Use and share professional reviews/feedback: Hit the ball out of the park by sharing positive, objective feedback and reviews about your professional strengths. Back up this third-party feedback by reinforcing the key points when you’re asked the “strengths and weakness” interview question. 

5.    Know the key movers and shakers in your industry: Even if you don’t know them personally, ensure that you know who the key players in your industry are.  Be able to share your knowledge of the key people and brands within your field.

6.    Stay on top of trending topics in your industry: Your ability to hold your own in a conversation about what’s trending on Twitter and the internet can be invaluable in standing out from your competitors.        

7.    Find ways to make a good first impression: You will always make a great impression by doing the things that others won’t do like send a handwritten thank you note after every interview. 

This week try one of these suggestions to put you one step ahead of the competition. Remind yourself sometimes getting hired comes down to setting yourself apart from other potential candidates. 


Put Your Phone Down – It Could Cost You Your Next Job or Opportunity

This week and all summer we’re sharing our best tips to create and promote your professional business and brand. Follow us on social media for the biggest mistakes people make when pitching and trying to work with a new client. Here’s a hint. It’s connected to something most of us use every day – your mobile phone.

Here are a few of our best suggestions to make sure you don’t lose a business opportunity because of when and how you communicate.

1. You only get one chance to make a first impression so make sure you make it on time. There is NO excuse to be late for a pitch or client presentation. NONE.

2. Remember that pitching a potential client or interviewing for a job only takes ONE “yes” to be successful. Make the most of every opportunity to show others what you can do – by giving it your all.

3. Assume that everything you say and do is “on the record.” I have literally seen people talk themselves out of an opportunity by saying/doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Remember you never know who may overhear your phone call in a crowded elevator or even bar (across the street from your prospective client’s office).

Be creative and find ways to increase your opportunities. For example, try to mix business with pleasure by networking wherever you go. You could actually find your next job or opportunity through a friend of a friend.

Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s to Promote Career Advancement and Readiness

We all have unique skills and talents.  Your ability to identify, hone, and capitalize on these special skills is your path to career success.  This week we are encouraging you to focus on the small stuff in hopes of improving your career outreach and advancement efforts.

We encourage you to start the process by examining your strengths and weaknesses under a microscope.  To help ensure you cross every “T” and dot every “I,” ask for constructive criticism on your professional documents, like your resume and bio and business website/materials. You will find that finetuning your efforts will help you create new opportunities along the way to success.

Finally, celebrate the details in everything that you do.  Take time to enjoy EVERY victory no matter how big or small. Remind yourself that MANY successful people and businesses have failed. So, don’t let things not going as planned deter you.  Instead, continue to focus on the tiny details to revamp your plan and execute it again.

Covid-era Tips to Avoid Annoying People at Work

This week we’re keeping things light and practical.  Now that many of us are returning to the “in-person” workplace and spending more time working around others.  

Here are our best Covid-era tips for avoiding negative people. You may find our suggestions helpful in dealing with a wide range of people in all aspects of your life and career.

Tip # 1 --  Excuse yourself to go to the restroom: The best and most simple way of dodging someone at work is to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. 

Tip # 2 -- Enlist a wingman: Ask your work BFF in advance to please come and save you from your work enemy by asking if they can get your help with “something.”

Tip #3 -- Talk to a stranger: If you see someone you don't like waiting to talk to you, avoid the awkward situation, and strike up a conversation with a total stranger instead. It will buy you some time and an opportunity to slip away.

Tip # 4 -- Share that you don't feel well: Simply excuse yourself from the situation by saying that you feel like you're coming down with something and are feeling under the weather.

Tip #5  -- Pretend you are on the phone: most people won't interrupt someone who is involved in a telephone conversation. Successfully dodge someone by checking your messages, or even calling your own number and leaving yourself a message. 

Tip # 6 -- Inform them that you're late for a meeting or appointment: A fool-proof way to avoid spending time with a colleague you don't like is to say that you have a prior engagement that you are running late for. 

Tip # 7 -- Remember that "thing" that you forgot to do: When all else fails, tell your coworker that you just remembered something that you needed to do.


Kickstart Your Side Hustle to Jumpstart Your Life and Career

Times have changed, and it seems that 80% of us are taking on new ways to make ends meet, pay down debt, and put some extra spending money in our pockets. Having a side hustle is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. This week we’re looking at (3) three reasons the side hustle could do wonders for your career.

1.    Traditional internships are not readily available to mid-career changers. To solve this issue, create a side hustle to deepen your experience and skillsets and prove to others that you can do what you say you can do.

2.    It doesn’t matter that you don’t want to be an entrepreneur. It seems that almost everyone is doing something, in addition to their 9-to-5 job to develop an additional stream of income. Truth is, a side hustle might be your best way to make a career change. Working a side hustle gives you valuable experience and a chance to “fake it till you make it” while you build your reputation and business — one client at a time.

3.    Consider that the top (3) side hustles are selling and renting property, ride-sharing, and fitness training. Even if you don’t own real estate or have a driver’s license, the great news is that EVERY industry needs consultants.  Find a “lane” where you are an expert and start pitching others on how you can help their brand or business.

Career success sometimes doesn’t come right away. It takes time to advance in your career and get to where you want to be.  Consider developing a side hustle (or two) along the way.  We guarantee that your side hustle will help enable you to grow faster and farther than you would without it.  Your side hustle may be the ideal way to help you find and create more ways to Live. Love. Do. ®


Why You Need a Mental Health Day or Week

 This week we’re keeping things short and to the point.  We are encouraging you to schedule a much-needed boost that you desperately need.  We are asking you to take a “mental health day.” 

If you think of a mental health day as simply taking a day off from work because you don’t feel like going – think again.  As the name suggests, a mental health day is about doing a short-term check-up from the neck-up.  It allows you to pause life for just a day and allow yourself to do things that make you mentally feel more peace and more joy in your life and your headspace.

As we head to social this week to share inspirational images to help you Live. Love. Do. ®, we hope that you will take our advice and schedule some serious “mental me time” soon.

This week take a break from the things that have been weighing you down. Then schedule or take one day to focus on doing and connecting with whatever helps you feel grounded and strong.  Taking simply one day – doing the right things may be just the thing that you need to feel energized to work towards your next goal.