Trying to Try Your Best

There are times in life when you don’t know your next move or which direction to travel. When these times occur, and you feel that you don’t know what to do – pick one thing and try your best. Just like half of life is showing up – making the most out of life is about trying your best. For example, if you are going to spend time applying to jobs and networking on LinkedIn, fully immerse yourself in the process. Challenge yourself to reach out to people who you previously would think you are “out of your league.” Set engagement goals and reach out to 40 people every day. Update your bio or post a professional photo. Push yourself in new ways to give 100% to whatever you are doing.

Doing your best, especially at times of change and transition is sometimes the only and best thing to do because it creates positive motion in direction of your goals. You may not be able to control when and if an employer calls, however, you can ensure that you are 100% ready when and if they do.

This week take time to change your perspective when you are going through the motions and when you are doing your best. In time you will find that it’s better to do fewer things that you can give your all than lots of things that spread you too thin. Remember it’s quality, not quantity that makes the difference in everything that you do. So do your best!