Some people attribute their success in life to being at the right place at the right time. Others may say other people as the main reason that they have achieved their many accomplishments. We at the Living on Purpose Project would like to share our (3) three-step recipe for long-term success in life, career, and business.
While many individuals attribute success to many different things, our (3) three ingredients for success include: (1) show up; (2) create and continually adjust your plan; and (3) factor in how what you do impacts others.
1. Show Up: There is a saying that half or even most of life is simply showing up. Over the years I have come to understand that showing up is giving your all to whatever you do. Yet I see people who are chronically late, never follow through, or literally and figuratively sleep through life and miss out on connections and opportunities. In short, showing up is living life like there is no dress rehearsal.
2. Create a Plan or Plan to Fail: One of the easiest and most strategic ways to achieve short wins or long-term success is having a plan. Writing down what steps to take and when to take them can help you focus on how you navigate now and moving forward. Sure, plans will change and at times you will need to pivot and adjust. However, you will be far more likely in any situation to successfully execute your plan to achieve success.
3. Be Considerate of Others in Everything That You Do: Navigating life is not just figuring out what to do in your life. It speaks to your ability to handle the bumps and the ups and downs in life and to always try to prevent your “things” to affect others. Simply ask yourself, “how does what I do affect someone else?” And, always make sure that you show your appreciation and respect for people who go out of their way to help and support you.
This week think of what you believe are the (3) three most important things that you can do to incorporate and embrace them into your life and career. In time, you will find that your work superpowers will take your career and or business to new heights by leaps and bounds. Here’s to finding more ways to Live. Love. Do. ®