Can You Really Sleep Your Way to Success?

In an effort to shake things up, we are highlighting non-traditional changes to the way that we sleep! Yes, sleep. Studies show that sleep can be instrumental in achieving your dreams.

Follow us all week on social as we talk about a few ways to refocus your sleep health. It is our hope that in refocusing your sleep health, you will have more renewed energy and passion to thrive in your personal life and in your career.

Here are our (5) five best tips for breaking up with bad sleep routines.

Are you up to our 5-step sleep challenge?

Step 1: After you get home from work, change into your PJs or comfy clothes. The mere act of taking off your “work” clothes and putting on new ones sends a signal to your brain to relax and unwind.

Step 2: Stop looking at your phone an hour or two before bed and let your natural melatonin lull you to sleep.

Step 3: Take some time to reflect on the week and smile about all the good things that happened. Let all the good things energize you for next week. You got this!

Step 4: Stick to water if you’re thirsty in the middle of the night.

Step 5: Wear socks to bed. According to the National Sleep Foundation, warming your feet before you go to bed helps give your brain a clear signal that it’s time to go to sleep.

This week take a minute to think about how you can dump your junk sleep and find ways to use rest and relaxation to be your new superpower. Enjoy your rest!