
January 25, 2017 Seven Things to Think About When It Comes to . . . Being the Hero in Your Own Life Story.

Since childhood you’ve heard at least one story about superheroes and their special powers. But has anyone ever taught you how to become your own superhero who saves the day in your career and life. Well, Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love may have actually cracked the code. Here are seven ways to become your own heroic figure.

1. Answer the call:
“If you want to be the hero of the story - you kinda gotta answer the call.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

2. Hold a mirror to your flaws:
Seeing yourself clearly is the second step to becoming a hero. Heroes know who they are and what makes them special. Focus on the special powers you have and work on cultivating them.

3. Prepare yourself for peril:
The only constant in life is change and challenges. Become a person who thinks three steps ahead, always has a plan “B” and will be prepared to successfully deal with adversity. image Remember, it’s not IF difficult obstacles come along; it’s how you’ll respond WHEN they do.

4. Ride the wave:
Superheroes know how to deal with a variety of situations but mostly they simply know how to ride the wave. In an opportunity, ride the wave/go with the flow and when the wave and movement and beautiful views end - so should you. But luckily you’ll have (or quickly create) a plan – to find and then ride another wave.

5. Take responsibility:
Growth is about owning a part/role in any situation. Are you deathly afraid of speaking in front of others? Are you intimidated that others are better writers or simply smarter than you are? Own your shortcomings and learn how you can prevent something bad from happening again by being honest with yourself and others.

6. Never waste your suffering:
Be empowered to use your mistakes and “failures.” However, there is no need to beat yourself up. When you can share your experiences and lessons with others to turn your misery into meaning.

7. Face fear:
Facing your biggest fears head on – frees you. Heroes demonstrate courage – moving forward despite fear. Attack what scares you most and stop running from it. If you want to break into marketing, send out an updated resume that shows your pro bono consulting projects

Heroes help us in many ways, but becoming your own hero makes you qualified to not always have to rely on others to live and manifest a highly successful career. This week follow these simple steps to use a mirror to see your flaws and yourself clearly; bring you to your own attention; and tear down your walls.