People hire people they know and like. In fact, most people get hired because of a referral of a friend, family member or former colleague. Therefore, being nice and acknowledging others for their achievements is a great way to forge friendly work relationships. In time, these colleagues and contacts will proactively recommend you for future positions and opportunities. Here are seven ways to become the king or queen of niceness. Seven simple things that can expand your network and create a wider pool of potential opportunities.
1. Be the Change: Show people what you believe life’s important things to be – don’t just tell them. If teamwork, supporting others, and a positive work environment are a high priority then show don’t tell.
2. Encourage Everyone: Everyone loves a pat on the back and to hear that they are doing a good job. Find ways to extend your heart and hand to those who need them.
3. Honor with Humility: Admit your mistakes and say the magic words: “I was wrong.” These words leave a better impact than “I’m Sorry.” Also when you are right be humble and don’t flaunt your “wins” and “successes.”
4. Thoughtfulness: Promise to think before you speak. Even when asked, give very little advice and let others take the lead and explain their plan and how to implement it.
5. Appreciation: Find daily ways to express appreciation and gratitude for everything people do to get the job done.
6. Patience: Let others know that everyone makes mistakes and deserves time to start over and do things again. Treat others with the same level of patience you’d hope someone would give to you.
7. Tolerance: Remove assumptions and see people for who they are and not what you expect them to be. Don’t just accept others. Instead make proactive strides to embrace them and make them feel part of the team.
It’s time to bring niceness back! Think about it. You are far more likely to advance your career with kindness than by treating others poorly. This week brush up on your niceness and soon you’ll find that it is an effective professional tool to create change.