
April 19, 2017 Seven Things to Think About When It Comes to – Where is Your Confidence?

Confidence is like a sense of humor, everyone thinks that they have it but less than 20% of people actually do. In fact, confidence is an essential ingredient for success in life and career.

The only way to know for sure if you have confidence is to test it. So here are seven questions to help you determine where your confidence really lies, as well as simple but crucial things you can do to boost your belief in yourself and what you can accomplish.

1. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? 

Your ability to simply have an answer to this question is key to measuring your true confidence. If your accomplishment happened more than 5 years ago, you may be badly in need of a shot of confidence. Confident people can site accomplishments from last week, last month or last year. Stretch yourself to identify recent successes. They are critical to help you reinforce your potential of having other successes in the future.

2. What is the first thing that you can do to create positive change in your life and career?  

Did you say, “change myself or the way that I think?” If not, you should have. Confidence is intertwined with self-awareness and living in the present, not with arrogance and blaming of others. If you’re stuck on what you didn’t get as a child or all the things other people have done to you/your life and not on yourself – not only is your confidence lacking - your approach to advancing in life is all wrong. Today embrace this – focusing on what you don’t have or cannot do interferes with what you can. 

3. Do you think you can do anything you set your mind to?  

Whether you are right or wrong – simply thinking that you have the talent and skills to achieve your goals is 80% of doing so. Chances are you will not accomplish everything exactly as you imaged it but taking 10 minutes a day to visualize yourself achieving a goal will increase the potential for success. Learn how to “see” every goal having a positive outcome. It WILL help you believe it is possible.  

4. What is the last big risk you took and how did it work out?  

If your immediate reaction to this question is thinking whatever you tried was a huge failure, you need to embrace a new definition of failure and what it really means. Success in one endeavor often happens after “failure” in another. Failure is a necessary part of trying anything new. Just because something did not work out exactly as you planned – means just that – it didn’t work as planned. It does not mean that it or you are a failure. Things not working out teaches you how to make adjustments but is not a reflection of your talents, abilities and potential. Your ability to see opportunity regardless of outcome is critical to success. Boost this part of your confidence by practicing how to not take “no” personally.  

5. What is the biggest thing standing between you and your desired goals?  

Hopefully your answer is “time” or “money.” However, if your response was “waiting for the right opportunity to come along” - think again. Confident people create (not wait) for opportunities. If your confidence is at a 10 - you know that the only thing standing in between your dreams and goals – is you! Remind yourself daily that you are the only one who can connect yourself with the right people and situations to make your dreams a reality..  

6. What do you say to yourself to stay inspired and motivated?  

You should be able to site at least five things that have nothing to do with other people. Confident people are usually motivated by prior success and possibility. They also feel that they deserve (and therefore expect) greatness. Ask yourself this – if you can only motivate others but cannot do the same for yourself is that just a way of sidestepping the reality that you are lacking some much needed personal confidence?   

7. What is your biggest regret?  

 Idealy you live life believing that everything happens for a reason. Mistakes, setbacks and failed projects/relationships are not things to regret but rather things to learn from and make you a better person. Life is about taking chances and putting it all on the line – that way you know you have done all that you can do and there is nothing to regret. Embrace risks and seek to learn from every life and career experience – and remind yourself that nothing should be regretted.  

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to dealing with your strengths and weaknesses, and your confidence. This week take an honest and hard look at what you really believe you can do and achieve. It’s easy to say you have confidence but far more revealing to ask yourself these critical questions and take a hard look at the honest answers.  

March 27, 2017 Living on Purpose Project Question of the Week: Where do nice guys and gals really finish?

We’ve been told that nice people finish last, but is that really true? Here are seven things to make sure you are attracting good business karma. Each will help you prove that being kind and nice not only makes you a good human being but also gives you a huge leg up in your career and life.

1. Express gratitude:
Give credit when it is due. In fact, give credit, even when it isn’t. People need to be acknowledged and doing so will make you look good, and them feel great about themselves. Praising others for their contributions is step #1 in becoming a great supervisor and leader.

2. Make time to be kind and thoughtful:
Give a compliment. It might give someone a badly needed lift. As adults, we spend most of our time there. So why use some of those minutes to boost a co-worker’s spirits. Making your co-workers feel more positive about themselves will make them feel the same way when they are not at work.

3. Be optimistic: The can do-spirit is the fuel that makes things go. Nobody wants to work with or be a Debbie or Daryl Downer! Be the team member who gives the needed pep talk, offers fresh ideas, and encourages others no matter what.

4. Ha Ha:
We don’t work in a bubble, but rather with real people dealing with real life. Aging and sick parents, money problems, strained relationships and much, much more. Share a funny story with someone who is dealing with something difficult. A good laugh can be great medicine and a great way to forge a genuine bond and friendship.

5. Watch your mouth:
Resolve to stop shooting from the lip. Words can hurt more than any physical weapon. And, never forget that the words you have to eat can be very hard to digest. Choose your words wisely and always show others respect, especially when you disagree.

6. Apologize when you realize you are wrong:
Remember, apologies never diminish who you are – they elevate it. Show others by example that you can admit your mistakes and be better because of them.

7. Encourage a beginner to try something new and take a risk:
Nothing ventured nothing gained is not just a saying but a “major key” and fact of life. Someone once encouraged you, so pay it forward by helping someone looking to break into your industry. Regardless of level, you can and should always work as a connector who helps others network and partner to achieve common goals.

Even if nice guys and gals do “finish” last it’s far better to follow the golden rule – do to others, as you would have them do to you. “Nice” is not and will never be a four-letter word. Today pick one of these ‘acts of niceness’ and be that person who makes someone else’s week!